Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Great Depression Widens

From Great Depression 22-2 Reading

1. How did the Great Depression affect minorities?     
The Great Depression affected minorities by; many people lost their jobs, were evicted from their homes and were then thrown out onto the streets. 

2. Why did so many men leave their homes during the Depression?    
Many men left their homes during the great depression because they were so upset that they could not find a job to support their families hence they got so discouraged with themselves that they left their homes.

3. How did the Great Depression affect women and children?    
The Great Depression affected women and children by the women tried to go out and get jobs but it was hard for them because the men did not think that it was right to have unemployed men and employed women; therefore it was very hard for a women to support herself and her children. It was difficult for children because many of them were starving and were getting sick. Also a lot of hospitals and schools closed.

From Great Depression 22-3 Reading

4. What were some of Hoover’s key convictions about government?     

Some of Hoover's key convictions about government were that if business and were in conflict for example, government should step in and help them find a solution that served their mutual interests. He said that governments role was to encourage and facilitate cooperation; not to control it. 

5. Why do you think people blamed Hoover for the nation’s difficulties?    

I think that people blamed Hoover for the nation's difficulties because he believed that it was the rich people's responsibility to help the poor and not the governments; because he thought like this there was no welfare so it made it even harder for people to survive.  

6. What were some of the projects proposed by Hoover, and how effective were they?    

Some if the projects proposed by Hoover were that he asked employers not to cut wages or cut off workers and he also asked labor workers not to demand higher wages or go on strike. Neither of these projects were effective.

7. What did the Bonus Army want?    
The Bonus army were world war one veterans who authorized the government to pay a bonus to world war one veterans who had not been compensated adequately for their wartime service

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