Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Presidential Debate News Story Analysis

Jillian Stinnett

 Source Information      
Date:  October 3, 2012

What news organization (or individual) produced this?:  
ABC news produced this
What is the type of news source?:   
This is a blog.
What is the main headline?:  
The Presidential Debate 2012
What facts (statistics, important events, etc.) are included?:   
Facts that are included are Obama and Romney's  answers to certain questions. It also has people's opinions on whether they liked the their answers or not.
Is anyone quoted? If so, who? What did they say?:     
Yes some peoples opinion's on the debate are quoted such as; Romney Adviser Eric Fehrnsrom saying: “I think Gov Romney won the debate tonight. He was the clear winner. President Obama spoke in empty platitudes about where he wanted to take the country. The presidents policies aren’t working and its time for a change.”
What information or ideas might have been left out?:    
Information or ideas that could of been left out where they did not ask Obama and Romney's opinion on how they felt the debate went.

Who is the intended audience?:    
The intended audience for this blog is teenagers or adults. 
Does the author seem to have an opinion? If so, what is it?:    
No the author does not seem to have an opinion.
What is the tone of the source?:   
The tone of the source is that it is very straight forward.
What words or phrases create the tone?
   Words and phrases that create this tone are that they just jump into people's opinion they do not really have a beginning  or a conclusion.
Is any one person or group discussed positively? Negatively?:    
No not one person or group is discussed positively or negatively.

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