Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Great Depression Widens

From Great Depression 22-2 Reading

1. How did the Great Depression affect minorities?     
The Great Depression affected minorities by; many people lost their jobs, were evicted from their homes and were then thrown out onto the streets. 

2. Why did so many men leave their homes during the Depression?    
Many men left their homes during the great depression because they were so upset that they could not find a job to support their families hence they got so discouraged with themselves that they left their homes.

3. How did the Great Depression affect women and children?    
The Great Depression affected women and children by the women tried to go out and get jobs but it was hard for them because the men did not think that it was right to have unemployed men and employed women; therefore it was very hard for a women to support herself and her children. It was difficult for children because many of them were starving and were getting sick. Also a lot of hospitals and schools closed.

From Great Depression 22-3 Reading

4. What were some of Hoover’s key convictions about government?     

Some of Hoover's key convictions about government were that if business and were in conflict for example, government should step in and help them find a solution that served their mutual interests. He said that governments role was to encourage and facilitate cooperation; not to control it. 

5. Why do you think people blamed Hoover for the nation’s difficulties?    

I think that people blamed Hoover for the nation's difficulties because he believed that it was the rich people's responsibility to help the poor and not the governments; because he thought like this there was no welfare so it made it even harder for people to survive.  

6. What were some of the projects proposed by Hoover, and how effective were they?    

Some if the projects proposed by Hoover were that he asked employers not to cut wages or cut off workers and he also asked labor workers not to demand higher wages or go on strike. Neither of these projects were effective.

7. What did the Bonus Army want?    
The Bonus army were world war one veterans who authorized the government to pay a bonus to world war one veterans who had not been compensated adequately for their wartime service

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Crash Occurs and the Great Depression Begins

1. What industrial weakness signaled a declining economy in the 1920s?        
Some Industrial weakness that signaled a declining economy in the 1920's were; industries such as railroads textiles and steel had barely made a profit. Also mining and lumbering which had expanded during wartime were no longer in high demand. Coal mining was another industry that was hit hard because of all of the new forms of energy such as hydroelectric power, fuel oil and natural gas. Even the big industries such as automobiles, construction, consumer goods and housing started to decline.


2. What did the experience of farmers and consumers at this time suggest about the health of the economy?       
The experience of the farmers and the consumers at this time suggested that the health of the economy was not good at all. Mainly because basically every American was living on credit and there was a very uneven distribution of income.

3. How did speculation and margin buying cause stock prices to rise?      

Speculation and margin buying caused stock prices to raise by a lot of Americans were buying items on credit because they did not have the money to pay for it; so when the bills came around to pay for the item they bought they did not have the money therefore the economy/government needed more money so the price of items had to start to raise.

4. What happened to ordinary workers during the Great Depression?      

During the Great Depression a lot of ordinary workers lost their jobs and when they went to the bank to try to get their money in their savings account the bank did not have the money because they gave all of their money to the stock market therefore a lot of ordinary workers went bankrupt and where not able to support their family anymore.

5. How did the Great Depression affect the world economy?    

The Great Depression affected the world economy by a lot of word trade had fallen within 40 percent.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


1. How did small-town life and city life differ?   
The city and small town differed because the city was a life of competition and change; city dwellers read and argued about current scientific and social ideas. While in the small town life they did not care to much about these certain topics. Also in the city life they judged one another more by accomplishment rather than their background. City dwellers also tolerated drinking, gambling and casual dating; which was considered shocking and sinful in the small-town life.

2. Why do you think the Eighteenth Amendment failed to eliminate alcohol consumption?   

The Eighteenth Amendment failed to eliminate alcohol consumption because most immigrant groups did not consider drinking a sin but a natural part of socializing, and they resented government meddling.

3. How did criminals take advantage of Prohibition?   

Criminals took advantage of the Prohibition by going to underground salons and clubs known as speakeasies to drink alcohol. Also there were bootleggers who were people that would sneak alcohol over the border from Canada, Cuba and the West Indies.

4. What was the conflict between fundamentalists and those who accepted evolution?   

The conflict between fundamentalists and those who accepted evolution was that the fundamentalists were skeptical of scientific knowledge; they argued that all important knowledge could be found in the bible. They believed that the bible was inspired by God so therefore all of the stories in it had to be true. The people who accepted evolution said that they stated that plants and animals species have developed  and changed over millions of years. 

5. How might the overall atmosphere of the 1920s have contributed to the failure of Prohibition?
The atmosphere of the 1920's contributed to the failure of Prohibition by everybody questioned a lot of things had changed such as the area where people lived and women finally starting to recognized by men and being able to have jobs and do over things than just being an house maid.    

Presidential Debate News Story Analysis

Jillian Stinnett

 Source Information      
Date:  October 3, 2012

What news organization (or individual) produced this?:  
ABC news produced this
What is the type of news source?:   
This is a blog.
What is the main headline?:  
The Presidential Debate 2012
What facts (statistics, important events, etc.) are included?:   
Facts that are included are Obama and Romney's  answers to certain questions. It also has people's opinions on whether they liked the their answers or not.
Is anyone quoted? If so, who? What did they say?:     
Yes some peoples opinion's on the debate are quoted such as; Romney Adviser Eric Fehrnsrom saying: “I think Gov Romney won the debate tonight. He was the clear winner. President Obama spoke in empty platitudes about where he wanted to take the country. The presidents policies aren’t working and its time for a change.”
What information or ideas might have been left out?:    
Information or ideas that could of been left out where they did not ask Obama and Romney's opinion on how they felt the debate went.

Who is the intended audience?:    
The intended audience for this blog is teenagers or adults. 
Does the author seem to have an opinion? If so, what is it?:    
No the author does not seem to have an opinion.
What is the tone of the source?:   
The tone of the source is that it is very straight forward.
What words or phrases create the tone?
   Words and phrases that create this tone are that they just jump into people's opinion they do not really have a beginning  or a conclusion.
Is any one person or group discussed positively? Negatively?:    
No not one person or group is discussed positively or negatively.