Monday, January 28, 2013

The Potsdam Conference

1. Read Source 17 (p 68). At Yalta, Churchill and Roosevelt had agreed with Stalin that eastern Europe would be a Soviet ‘sphere of influence’. Do you think Source 17 is what they had in mind?   
 I do think that source 17 is what Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt had in mind because they wanted Eastern Europe to take responsibility for their actions that they made during The World War

2. Would they agree with Stalin’s views expressed in Sources 17 and 18? Explain your answer.       
   I do not think that they would agree with Stalin's views that were expressed in sources 17 and 18 because they can say that they are in the position that they are in because of the outcome that the war had on Eastern Europe so for them to have have any help would not be fair because America always has the help of Great Britain.

3.  Explain how each of the three developments described in the text might affect relationships at Potsdam.
  Each of the three developments described in the text might affect the relationships at Potsdam because they could of caused tension and awkwardness  between Churchill Stalin and Roosevelt. 

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